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ホーム > 組織でさがす > 危機管理課 > 県内在住の外国人の方へ~そなふくノート(防災ガイドブック)をご活用ください~ For foreign residents in the prefecture~Get prepared for disasters with the Disaster Preparedness Guidebook (Sonafuku Handbook)~

県内在住の外国人の方へ~そなふくノート(防災ガイドブック)をご活用ください~ For foreign residents in the prefecture~Get prepared for disasters with the Disaster Preparedness Guidebook (Sonafuku Handbook)~

印刷用ページを表示する 掲載日:2019年4月12日更新

Disaster Preparedness Guidebook 「Preparedness Fukushima Handbook」

There are a variety of disaster risks hidden in nature-rich Fukushima prefecture.

The Preparedness Fukushima Handbook, or Sonafuku Handbook in short,
puts together what we need to prepare daily for disasters
and what we need to do in case of a disaster.

Let's check what to do and how to do it to protect ourselves together with family
while reading the Sonafuku Handbook.

Sonafuku Handbook image

★ Disaster Preparedness Guidebook (Sonafuku Handbook)(English version) [PDFファイル/26.76MB]

Please see the instruction manual about the Disaster Preparedness Guidebook (Sonafuku Handbook)  [PDFファイル/723KB]


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