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Damage caused by the earthquake and tsunami

Current location Fukushima Revitalization Information Portal Website > Damage in Fukushima Prefecture > Overview of the damage caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake > Damage caused by the earthquake and tsunami
To print view 2025年3月11日更新
  • "2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake", which occurred on March 11, 2011, off the Sanriku coast, recorded a magnitude of 9.0, making it the largest earthquake in Japan's recorded history. It reached a maximum seismic intensity of 7 on the JMA scale. It caused serious damage to the entire Prefecture with heavy shaking and a large tsunami that struck a wide area along the coast.
  • View details of the damage here
    Real-time report on the damage in 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake [Japanese only]

Epicentre and seismic intensities in various areas of the prefecture

Epicenter and seismic intensities in various areas of the prefecture

Photos of the damage (Earthquake) 

Yoshimi in Sukagawa City Hachiman-cho in Sukagawa City
【Yoshimine in Sukagawa City】(March 2011) 【Hachiman-machi in Sukagawa City】(March 2011)
7th Floor of the West Building of Fukushima Prefectural Office Hano-ki Taira in Shirakawa City
【7th Floor of the West Building of Fukushima Prefectural Office】(March 11, 2011) 【Hano-ki Daira in Shirakawa City】(March 25, 2011)

Photos of the Damage (Tsunami)

Hisanohama in Iwaki City Surroundings of Soma Port in Soma City
【Hisanohama in Iwaki City】(March 11, 2011) 【Surroundings of Soma Port in Soma City】(March 11, 2011)
Uketou in Namie Town Inside Onahama Port Office
【Ukedo in Namie Town】(March 12, 2011) 【Inside Onahama Port Office】(March 12, 2011)

Casualties (As of 1 Feb. 2025)

  • Deaths  4,179  (This number includes 2,348 disaster-related deaths*)

*Disaster-related deaths are not caused directly by the disaster, but occur afterwards due to indirect causes including stress and decline in health from living as evacuees. 

Status of housing damage (As of 1 Feb. 2025)

Totally destroyed: 15,483 houses Half destroyed: 83,698 houses
Extensive damage caused by tsunami: Namie Town. Status of housing damage: Fukushima City.

Extensive damage caused by tsunami: Namie Town

Status of housing damage: Fukushima City

Cost of damage in Fukushima Prefecture (As of 23 Mar. 2012)

Cost of damage in Fukushima Prefecture

Reported cost of damage for public works facilities

About JPY 316.2 billion 

Reported amount of damage on agricultural, forestry and fishery facilities

About JPY 275.3 billion 

Reported amount of damage on educational facilities

About JPY 37.9 billion 

Total of reported amount of damage on public facilities

 About JPY 629.4 billion 

*Areas under the jurisdiction of the prefectural government: for the 30 km radius surrounding the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (F1NPS), damage costs were estimated based on aerial photographs. Areas under the jurisdiction of  municipalities: Excludes approximate cost of damage for a part of Minamisoma City and 8 municipalities located in the Futaba area.

Iwaki City: Levee. Tsunami flooded farmland: Namie Town.

Iwaki City: Levee

Tsunami flooded farmland: Namie Town

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